
Well, I did it!  I completed my 4th (5th?) National Novel Writing Month!  50,000 words in 30 days.  Viva NaNoWriMo!!

I am just about halfway through finishing the second book in my trilogy.  Woo!  Now, to harness this power and keep going at this rate.

I know lots of writers take on National Novel Writing Month because it’s a way to finally “write that novel.”  For me, sometimes it seems like the kick in the pants I need to “finish those novels.”   I should call it NaNoFinishMo like Elizabeth Bear does.

What’s ahead in 2015?  I’m thinking about NaPoWriMo, in April.  30 Poems in 30 Days.  There may be a chapbook in my publishing future.


One thought on “NaNoWriMo

  1. This reads like it was one of those times when : “I have to do this today.” Not up to your usual
    content (except the list of wonderful tag lines). Your time could have been better spent out to lunch with your editor.

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