My Blog

Vampires, why bother?

Look, everybody, it’s ME!  I’m back.  Okay enough about my blog hiatus. I’ve been watching vampire…

“Roundheels” published in On Spec magazine

I don’t often write short stories, because when I write I’m verbose and have trouble…

Spooky Action

I know, a reading list about scary books in time for Halloween has nothing to…

“Horse Lubber” published at The Tishman Review

I’m so excited to see one of my poems about Texas published online at The…

2015 Documentary Watch Project: Jackson Hole Wild Festival

Part of my ongoing monthly post series about documentary films I’m watching. September 25 through…

Strange Horizons publishes my poem “Bodega Dunes”

I have a poem in Strange Horizons! This is the best thing ever. Strange Horizons…


CHEESE. No, I’m not talking about my sense of humor. Or maybe I am? (We’ll…

2015 Documentary Watch Project: Room 237

Usually for my documentary watch project I choose flicks based on social, environmental or artistic…

Reading Sam Kean

Did you ever watch that show Connections with James Burke? I saw a lot of random…

UK Gold: I heart these shows

A while back, I stumbled across this AWESOME review column of spectacular television crime drama…